Sydney Foster

b. Emo, ON, Canada


2024-2026 Bachelor of Education Intermediate/Senior (Teachables in Visual Arts and General Social Sciences), Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON

2024 Bachelor of Arts (Honours Specialization in Studio Arts and Art History), University of Western Ontario, London, ON

2018-2019 Graphics Communications Management, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, ON

2018 High School Diploma, Fort Frances High School, Fort Frances, ON


2023-2024 Mentee, InPath: N’we Jinan Youth Mentorships Program, Montreal, QC

2024-2025 N’we Jinan Art Skills for Success Online Training Program

Group Exhibitions

AJE 22 - Annual Juried Exhibition, artLAB Gallery & Cohen
Commons, John Labatt Visual Arts Centre, Western University,
London, ON

Connections, artLAB Gallery, John Labatt Visual Arts Centre,
Western University, London, ON

Death is not the End: la Muerte es el Comienzo, artLAB Gallery,
John Labatt Visual Arts Centre, Western University, London, ON

Relevant Skills 

Commission works 

Graphic design skills (Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Procreate)

Tattoo Design 

Related Activities 

Painting donation to Couchiching First Nations Band Office 

Commissioned mural design for Fire & Flower Inc.